Wednesday, March 19, 2014

::personal remodel - week three::

Week three of the personal remodel rolled around.

Financial Progress
I can't get an over time shift to save my life.  There isn't anything I can do about that but wait, so till then I am really enjoying being home more with the shorties.  I miss their little faces.  The printed budget has really come along.  Josh and I are doing a good job of have money meetings.  I think more than anything else having good communication with Josh about our finances is the best part of this whole gig.  I haven't been able to make any progress with starting a Christmas account.  There just isn't anything left to start it with, but once over time rolls around again I will throw some money at it.  Even though it isn't a perfect situation I am pleased with the progress that we have been making. 

Weight Progress
This is really trucking along.  I started counting my calories and this makes a huge difference.  It really keeps me aware of what I am doing to myself.  I got an app on my phone that tracks calories and is also my food diary.  It's working really well.  I like the whole system.  My water, fruit, and veggie intake is through the roof!  Although since it was coming from about nothing it didn't have any where to go but up.  After a rough few days I am really enjoying having the size of my stomach be smaller - I can eat half of what I used to and I feel full.  After I eat a small amount I make myself stop eating and let it soak for 15 mins before I decide if I am still hungry or not.  I don't know why it takes 15 mins for my stomach to tell my brain that it is full but I am trying to give it that time now.  Portion size was one of my biggest issues and right now that is very under control.  I am really happy with this progress toward health.  I am making my breakfast a protein smoothie and I starting to look forward to it.  It tastes really good with frozen bananas and blueberries in it, and I feel full for at least 4 hours afterward.  

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